Sunday 31 July 2016

Final Border Status

  There are two ways of negotiating [to determine the borders of the Land of Israel]. The first is to state: I am a Jew. I represent the Jewish People and the Jewish faith. Therefore I ask of you to grant me all that I request.  Since we live in exile, G-d desires that we work through natural means by approaching the minister of that country (who is connected to the heavenly ministering angel of that country) and speak to him diplomatically in his language.  Yet, together with that, the Jew must speak with clarity and determination, stating his demand. This method of negotiating was determined by Abraham our Patriarch who stated: “I am both a non resident and a citizen among you”, meaning, if you will concede and grant the Jew what he is owed, I will accept the status of a non-resident in exile, and to pay 400 silver shekels for the merchandise.  Even given this diminished status, G-d has commanded Jewish entitlement. [As is known the maxim of the Rebbes of Lubavitch, that only the physical bodies of the Jewish People have been put in exile; not the souls.  Therefore a gentile is not empowered to argue that since a Jew is in exile he cannot receive his demand.] However, if the gentile is not in agreement, then the Jew will state his demand as an entitlement, a citizen, and take it without offering payment.

The Northern Border - The Mountains of Hermon
The second form of negotiation with a gentile– in order to determine the borders of Israel– is that the Jew says that our entitlement stems from a certain gentile from London [Balfour] who said that the Jewish People need a homeland.  When the gentile hears this, he comes to the conclusion that this Jew has no basis of entitlement from Jewish sources.  That is why he reverts to claiming his rights from a gentile. His response is:  True, a gentile did state the need of a Jewish homeland, however now, one hundred and forty gentiles disagree. Who is to say that one solitary gentile [Balfour] holds the determining view? [Actually, this argument of the gentile is correct.  He is no master to decide that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People. Rather, this is the Will of G-d who initially granted this land to them (the Canaanites), and consequently took it from them and granted the land to us].  We are in exile (using natural means – praying for the peace of the city.... because through this we will have peace).  Yet our words must be completely truthful with no hint of falsity [which would be contrary to Torah] because falsity will also lead to results contrary to those we anticipated.

Eastern Border - The Jordan River
All the tribulations, which we are living through now, are because Jewish people built their case on that declaration written by a gentile in London! Jewish people regard that gentile as the master who is deciding who should receive “the Land ... upon which the eyes of G-d gaze from the beginning of the year to the end of the year”.  The matter does not end there.  They attempt to find favor in his eyes and subjugate themselves to him, asking another gentile “where are the borders [of Israel]?  Where does the Land belonging to Jewish People end?  What were the loyalties, both apparent and undisclosed, of the those who signed a piece of paper in London? 

This is precisely what the Talmud states: “Our Torah should not be compared to their irrelevant words”. We have an iron wall, the iron words of Rashi [the Torah commentator, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki] at the very beginning of the Torah, when a child begins to learn Chumash with the commentary of Rashi at the age of five. We tell him immediately: “[The Almighty] told His nation of the strength of His Hand when He gave [the Jewish People] an inheritance of nations.”  Rashi does not leave room to teach the child any conjectural interpretations.  Rather, he states with clarity, that there is a country which once belonged to seven nations, [not that they conquered it with the might of their own hands, but rather it was given to them by G-d]; subsequently He took it from them and gave it to us”.

There is absolutely no need to seek advice, come to any compromises, conspiracies, or deals as to where our borders ought to be and which territories belongs to them [the Arabs]!  

G-d Himself delineated and set the borders of the Land of Israel! “This is the Land ....her borders” [Leviticus 34.2].  

They [the government of Israel] have tried all formulas both openly and by secret agreements. Yet, this is the only formula they have not yet attempted with which to go public. This is the only wording which gentiles understand since they study the T'nach [Bible] with the very same verses and same interpretations! 

The Western Border - The Mediterranean Sea
Gentiles already know the interpretation.  Moreover, they know that the Jews also know this correct interpretation.  Yet, the Jew chooses to cut himself off, to ignore his spiritual wealth and power and true demand.  In fact, this is not a demand or request, but a preexisting natural oneness of the Nation of Israel and the Land of Israel, as the Midrash [Tanchuma] explains:  When G-d chose the Nation of Israel from among the nations, and chose the Land of Israel from among all the lands, it is only logical that the land which the Creator chose should be given to the people whom the Creator chose! 

By the use of this simple logic there fall away all questions of borders [of Israel]. Then, not only does the issue no longer cause panic and fear, but even the gentiles will know that the Jews [by demonstrating their rightful demand] are “the most powerful among the nations” [Talmud Beitza], and that the basis upon which they [the Jewish people] take possession [of their rightful lands] is because they [the gentiles] know that “The word of G-d will stand for ever” [Isaiah 40.8].

One is fully entitled to approach the gentile and say to him in straightforward terms [quoting Ethics of the Fathers 5.10]: ‘Possessions belonging to me are mine; possessions belonging to you, are yours’.  You have the entire world; we have a tiny portion of land which cannot accommodate the nations [Talmud Tractate Gittin 57.1]. The Torah commentator Rashi elaborates in his commentary on the Torah portion [B’chukosai 26.32]: ‘That which the verse forewarns ‘The Land of Israel will lie desolate’ [which appears to be a part of the Curses] is actually a blessing.  When the Land is made Judenrein, then gentiles also are unable to take possession of that land!’ [Translator’s note: This ancient prediction mentioned in the Torah, has taken place before our very eyes in Gush Katif which remains utterly desolate of Arab inhabitants and production]. They are only able to move around there temporarily, but can never reside there permanently. This is the very nature of the earth of the Land of Israel. Since all of this [from the Bible] has already been translated into all languages, the nations of the world are well acquainted with this fact. 

The government of Israel sent an emissary, a Jew, to negotiate with a gentile. What does he do? He begins to research non Jewish sources; perhaps there he will find proof for Jewish rights to the Land. When he finally meets with the gentile and begins to prove that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish Nation because Balfour said so, it’s pitiful because the gentile realizes that this is not a legitimate claim. 

The claim must have strong legal justification [recognized also by the gentiles] that the Land of Israel and her borders belong to the Jewish Nation [aside from the greater borders predicted in the Torah portion [Re-ei 12.20], ‘When G-d will broaden your borders’ after the arrival of our righteous Moshiach].  Even if there is need to pay 400 silver shekels, still, the lands are Jewish. The gentile will recognize the truth of this claim, which was not invented in 1948 [with the establishment of the State], but going far back in time to the Revelation at Mount Sinai, and even before that, to the Covenant with Abraham.  Only then will the gentile not be suspicious that if he will grant the Jewish nation one portion, they will not further their demand for another portion, because the Jewish Nation are only asking for that which is rightfully theirs!

The government makes no effort to release itself from slavery to the international community.  They know that their slavery will only end when Jews return to their faith. Then ‘immediately will they be released from their exile’ [see Maimonides].  At this time we are still in a state of Exile, not as is the view of those who are mistaken and mislead others [that 1948 was the time when the exile came to an end, and now we have entered the beginning of the Redemption].   Maimonides states clearly that the exile will be prolonged up until the moment when ‘there will arise a King from the Royal House of King David who will bring all Israel to walk in the footsteps of the Torah, and its breaches will be repaired.

Thereafter Moshiach will fight the wars of G-d and be victorious, [all of this he will achieve whilst the Jewish People are still in exile]’.  Only thereafter will he build the [third] Temple in its rightful place and ‘he will bring about the in gathering of the dispersed ones of Israel.’ 

This is the great test for us to overcome in our times. 

Public address 11 Nissan 1976

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