Monday 24 April 2017

The Lubavitcher Rebbe addresses a childrens' Rally in 770: Children Proclaim: “They contrive a scheme, but it will be foiled, they conspire a plot, but it will not materialize, for G-d is with us’ - that plans and plots to give away portions of Our Land will fail!

 We find ourselves still in the total darkness of exile before the Redemption. There are forces at work preventing us from being united as one. He objects to the wholeness of the Jewish People, and this brings him to object to the wholeness of Torah, Jewish people living according to the Torah. He undermines the wholeness of our Holy Land by objecting to the legal premise that millions of Jewish lives are at risk. His wish is to lengthen the exile, may this never happen! 

There are Jewish People who are bitterly mistaken, who think that it is okay to cede parcels of Eretz Israel regardless of the fact that this is utterly contrary to a clear Jewish law [Shabbos ch. 329]! Yet, they still hold erroneous views objecting to the retention of the entire Land. In reality they object to the wholeness of Torah, of every law of Torah, specifically to the law pertaining to life-threatening situations upon which pivots the observance of all of the laws of Torah and the wholeness of Jewish People since we are addressing a life-threatening situation.

The Rebbe gives a coin to small child to give to tzedaka [charity]
Therefore when we gather together – especially Jewish children who are under bar/bat mitzvah age, whose breath has no sin, in a sacred spot, a synagogue, a house of learning, a place of prayer and Torah study, and clearly proclaim the verse: ‘They contrive a scheme, but it will be foiled, they conspire a plot, but it will not materialize, for G-d is with us’ [Isaiah 8.10]; all schemes which are contrary to Jewish law, laws of Shabbos, will most certainly become null and void, ‘because G-d is with us’. Thus has G-d ruled in Torah and commanded that this be publicized and made it clear that when the issue at hand is life-threatening, it is forbidden to remain silent. It is forbidden to wait until people ask what is the law. 

The first Rebbe of Lubavitch in his Code of Jewish Law [328.7] brings the Talmudic dictate: ‘one [a Rabbi] who waits until he is asked, is offensive, because he should have gone public, announcing that it is forbidden to make any cession threatening Jewish life! 

Jewish children have the special strength that this will take effect [as in Midrash Esther Raba 9.4 when Haman’s decree was nullified] and will be fulfilled immediately in our time. We will see the failure of all plots and words protesting the wholeness of the Land by their willingness to hand over any piece of land to a gentile, and the failure of their attack on the Torah by words not rooted in Torah but trying to convince people that this is Torah, knowing full well that this goes against Torah. 

When Jewish children will proclaim ‘Utzu Eitza Vesufar, dabru dovor velo yakum ki imanu Keil’, [‘They contrive a scheme, but it will be foiled, conspire a plot, but it will not materialize, for G-d is with us’] especially when this proclamation is made in a synagogue and house of prayer after the prayers and words of Torah, this will quicken the promise of G-d that their plans will be uprooted.

Then ‘Moshiach will fight the wars of G-d and be victorious’, the (Laws of Shabbos 329) and we will see victory; all the surrounding nations will admit to no need for war, and there will be the fulfillment of the biblical verse ‘I [G-d] will grant peace in the Land’. The Jewish People will walk in the path that brings peace, ‘I [G-d] will lead you upright’, and we will hold on strongly to the path of Torah that declares that G-d gave the Land to every individual Jew and to all the Jewish People collectively, for all generations!
                                                                                                            Public talk 4 Elul 1979