Monday 6 May 2019

A lesson for the government of Israel: The Lubavitcher Rebbe demands: All terrorists must be removed in one single procedure!

The Lubavitcher Rebbe demands: All terrorists must be removed in one single procedure!
I [The Rebbe] once spoke with a surgeon. Our discussion moved on to the situation in Eretz Israel.
I said to him: “When you operate on a Jew, your intention is to improve his health. Now since an operation is a serious matter costing much health and blood loss, may G-d protect us; being that you are a merciful and intelligent man, perhaps you break up the operation into ten stages.” First operate; only some blood will be lost, wait for this area to heal, operate the second stage, until the tenth, when you finally reach the problem, and then remove the undesirable elements.
The physician replied: “Do not take offense, but you are not qualified in medicine. To my question “Why?” he replied: “The purpose of an operation is to remove the ailment. If a small incision is made, and we wait for this to heal, after a week make a second incision, until the tenth, the element remains embedded in the body and much blood is spilled. No benefit will be gained because the source has not been removed. There is no choice but to operate in one single procedure. He will be temporarily weakened and more blood spilled but ultimately less blood lost. The patient will be healed because the ailment will have been dealt with.”
I responded; I am pleased to hear your view. This should be the precise procedure applied to Eretz Israel. There are two options: One, to tell the opposing side that we will not relinquish the Land of Israel. Since he will be offended, we will take no action against terrorists. We wait a week or so, perhaps his mood will improve, and then suggest he gives in on something. But we do nothing. Armed terrorists remain in the Old City of Jerusalem, Hebron, Shechem, Ramallah, and everywhere, may G-d protect us!
Alternatively, there is the second option: In one single operation we take out all the terrorists and be rid of them!
From the book "Security for the Land of Israel"