Sunday, 6 August 2017

The Rebbe negates an invalid and false Rabbinic view.

It is brought in the code of Jewish Law that in a situation of uncertain threat to life, even if only to one Jewish life – and certainly if it is to thousands and tens of thousands where this is a definite threat to life, the law is clear. Even if the opposing side is approaching for no more than straw and fodder– it is forbidden to relinquish territory. How much more so, when their intent is more insidious than a mere request for straw and fodder.

There are such people who justify the handing over of territories by distorting the true interpretation and by saying that in order to save lives it is imperative to hand over land or give the reason of the Talmudic ‘three vows’. By permitting the handing over of land whether for these or other interpretations, it is not just that they are ‘playing’ with the words of Maimonides, but a real threat to the lives of the Jewish People, may this never happen! They base their view on the decision given out by a Rabbi...... who decided to permit relinquishing land claiming that there are experts who say that for the sake of saving lives one must give up land. 

I have never seen this Halachic response. It is unbelievable that there can be such a response. This view must be negated. In fact, when the delegation arrived at Camp David they once again asked the opinion of high [U.S.] military experts (who serve in the army). Every one without exception responded in a united voice that if they will relinquish any of the territories it would create a life threatening situation for all of the Jewish people in Eretz Israel! 

After the (Israel) delegation traveled to Washington (offering to relinquish all captured territories), knowing which territories the Arabs wanted, and after explaining the autonomy program in all its detail, the experts concluded: This threatens the lives of all Jewish People living in the Land of Israel. 

However, the (U.S.) military expert could not openly state this, because the high level of his office forbade him to make such a statement. He was bound to follow orders. Yet when he was asked off the record, he responded that the relinquishing of territories is absolutely life threatening. As one army officer who is versed in Torah study expressed himself from a military viewpoint and of saving lives, the agreement (to relinquish) is one (of a servant going free with the loss of his teeth and eye) of great military disadvantage, and he brought many proofs. 

Furthermore, another military man stated that from the point of view of threat to life this represents a clear and open threat with no doubt whatsoever.  If regardless of all the above there is a Rabbi who is so convinced that in order to save lives one must give up land; since it is possible that he was misled, bearing in mind that this is an issue regarding endangering lives, he has the option to call into his room a security expert and ask his opinion regarding this. He will hear from him that which has already been heard from so many security experts: relinquishing land endangers the lives of every single Jewish person living in Eretz Israel! 

                                                                Public address Moitzo’ei Shabbos Ha-azinu 1979